, One study of more than 200 pregnant women in 2013 showed that eating dates can help with the softening of the cervix or cervical ripening for labor., Another study showed that pregnant women who ate 6 dates a day for 4 weeks before their due date had a shorter first stage of labor and their cervix was softer before delivery. Starting as early as possible and I believe dates play an important things on my health, body and baby during my pregnancy. Published in the Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, this study looked at date consumption in late pregnancy as it related to cervical ripening, and found that women who ate 70-75 grams of dates per day after 37 weeks pregnant had: 50% higher Bishop scores at . They can keep the body's salt and water balance: benefits of dates during pregnancy: Dates contain potassium, essential for regulating the body's water and salt balance and blood pressure. Free Childbirth Classes: How Well Do They Prepare You for Baby? Anyone know? A few hours later, he was born after 5 minutes of pushing. Dates can contribute significantly to a healthy pregnancy as it prevents the risk of having anemia, helps cope with morning sickness, regulates blood pressure, regulates blood sugar levels, helps restore depleted calcium, eliminates harmful toxins, and supports the immune system. when the contractions started, I labored at home for 5-6 hrs. I ate dates faithfully every day from 36 weeks on. 6 unpitted dates only = 32 grams of actual date though. Some women avoid dates during summer as they are believed to produce heat and upset stomach or body temperature. Dates are an energy-rich snack, high in nutrients, providing several health benefits. Would you please spare some words of advice to my wife because she tends to disregard my scientific approach to .. everything. At one point you mentioned being careful if youre watching your blood sugar or are worried about the group b strep. An excellent source of antioxidants. Islamic tradition is to break your Ramadan fast with an odd number of dates (usually 3) because that raises the blood sugar to the optimum level without a spike. I do not want to have this baby earlier than June 6th. Im just not sure if I should be eating 6 dates a day (pitted) or go for 75grams worth of pitted dates. On average, a 100 g serving of dates contains the following: Calories: 314 kcal. SubhannahAllah (All praise for God!) Unfortunately it didnt shorten my almost 3 hours of pushing but I definitely think it helped with going into labor on my own and a short labor overall, I will definitely be eating them again next time! A lot of the women on here are commenting about dates helping for a first pregnancy, but what about subsequent pregnancies? I have a bad feeling Im going to end up being induced. . Yeshua had to be Jewish in order to fulfill prophecy, and Joseph was Jewish as well as Mary. 11. Joseph (stepfather of Yeshua aka Jesus) was the downline of David. She started her career as a CSR pro more. Put in refrigerator until use. each baby hairs their own timing. How did it go? If you are wondering if you can eat Chinese red dates during pregnancy? Good For Gestational Diabetes. What kind of dates exactly did you eat ans were they organic? Hyperovulation has few symptoms, if any. Her babies are more on average 8-9 pounds usually. In addition, vitamin K helps a growing baby develop strong bones, and it can improve your muscle and nerve function. I live in a small town and could only find dried dates. Im a FTM, and currently breastfeeding my one week old. I was 1.5 cm only when I got to hospital and that was after being in labour already for 30 hours and in absolute agony. All three times I ate dates in the last month or so of pregnancy. I had not heard this before, but Ill definitely be eating dates again during my labor with #3. These days, fresh red dates are available during autumn. Ive had two C-section, and Im 34 weeks now for my third baby, can I start eating dates n the raspberry leaf tea? Goji berries & Red dates. Please reply asap Hi What's more, red raspberry leaf tea is known to have a laxative and diuretic effect, so drinking it might mean some repeat trips to the bathroom. I still think about the birth as an amazing experience. I have completed my 7th monthplz give me right advise for a perfect vbac.I have my first baby with normal delivery.and and second was cesarean before 4 years and six months.and I want to my third baby with vbac. I am 32 weeks but have group b strep how many dates would be recommended? I also drank red raspberry leaf tea like it was going outta style for the last 6 weeks of pregnancy, I definitely think the combo of the 2 made it how it was! Or, I have also added dates to my Raisin Bran. Thank you! Arrived to a hospital at 1 pm already 6cm dilated. My baby has already dropped but Im not at all dilated or anything; is it too late for dates to be effective? The only thing different was eating 6 dates the last month or so (that birth was Oct 2014). In the last hour tge contractions were intense and painful but were very mild for the first couple hours (I wasnt even sure if I was in labor at the begining). watery, or red eyes or a runny nose after . The traditional method for preparing red date tea in China involves bringing dried red dates and water to a simmer. You can learn more about the authenticity of the information we present in our. Im wondering if anyone else gets bad gas (does not smell good!) I have medjool dates in my fridge, which are around the 2 Inch length and 1 inch width. Additionally, the date eaters had: 77% shorter first stage of labor. Jujube tea is a great way to increase your intake of vitamin B and C. Photo Credit: Shutterstock. I usually would give birth several hours after arriving in hospital but not so this time..and 2nd stage was so quick. I did this with my fourth, MUCH different experience than my first 3! Serve. Some health benefits are as under: 1 . I would highly caution women from using dates, unless they have low birth weight babies to begin with. Thanks. do they still work if they are baked? Boil the red dates for 10 minutes and then simmer for another 15 minutes. I dilated 4cm in about 3 hours and effaced to 75%. SaveIllustration: Momjunction Design Team. The answer is yes. Quite the opposite, actually: Eating dates can have a positive effect and help you feel better, especially if youve been dealing with low energy or constipation. A Healthy Source of Fats. No stitches either as tear was very minor. I was walking the hospital halls to encourage labor to continue and 10 minutes later the nurses were racing to my room to get there in time for the delivery. Red dates are high in iron and help prevent anemia in pregnant women and improve the nutritional quality of breast milk. The nurse started telling me not to push because it would ruin my pelvic floor since I was only 1 cm dilated. I read somewhere that each Larabar contains about two dates. The carbohydrates, fats, and proteins contained in jujubes promote liver protein synthesis, increase serum albumin content, and balance the ratio of albumin to globulin. Dried fruits go through a drying process (yes, we know thats a bit obvious), which causes them to lose water. Can a Birth Ball Really Help You Have a Better Labor & Delivery? Allah knows best what is good for us because He is the Creator. Eating 3-4 dates before 30 minutes of workout allows a steady energy flow. Although I cannot say whether they will ease my labor and delivery (as I havent experienced it yet!) Dates are a miracle snack during pregnancy! Maybe your doctor doesnt want you to risk preterm labor. Dates are a fruit from the date palm tree, which is a type of flowering plant. How does having the group b strep affect taking the dates? Thank you for your informative article. Yeshua is God, and He has always been God and will always be God. With the 3rd, Ill try dates . Red dates + Green onions. I ate dates from 38 weeks. Im 37 weeks pregnant and just found out that I tested positive for strep b. I have been eating dates every day since about 34 weeks pregnant! Can nourish and warm the stomach, strengthen the heart and blood. I started taking 6 dried dates everyday from 36 weeks of pregnancy and trust me, it was worth it. Sorry for the second post my phone had a hiccup after attempting to post the first time so I didnt think it worked. Sweet Potato During Pregnancy: Nutritional Value And Health Benefits, In the first trimester, constipation is a common problem, and dates help prevent it. Miscarriage & Stillbirth. This is a great gift idea for pregnant women. Isam is a heresy out of the mouth of hell. Hi Suzie, hi Zai. Thank you for sharing your opinion. Plus they help with pregnancy constipation I really enjoyed this post! Dates are a low glycemic index (GI) food. I love seeing all these positive comments! Does it have to be organic and also, is it still likely to be beneficial if I eat deglet dates instead of madjool? It helps to strengthen spleen and stomach, replenish "Qi", nourish blood and tranquilize mind. Im 35.5 wks and will be induced at 37 wks for cholestasis. See a medical professional for personalized consultation. Can I just eat the dates by itself without any other ingredients? Im curious if there is a difference between fresh and dried dates. Signs of a reaction include tingling, itchiness, or swelling around your mouth or tongue. (2011). (2014). Thanks, but no thanks! I had a 12 lb baby. No, it is not going to dilate your cervix if u r taking it very early . In reading the comments, most have had at the most 4 babies, so if there are any who have had 5-9 babies, please share. Add dates during pregnancy easily with these yummy (paleo friendly). Not a fan, especially during pushing, which took 15 minutes.) If miriam mary was a virgin, then why does the new testament go through the trouble of documenting the lineage of Joseph in attempt to prove that he is from the line of King David, subsequently attempting to prove that J could be the messiah? It's best to avoid drinking the tea during the first trimester. There's some evidence that shows eating dates may help shorten labor, but it won't necessarily kick-start it. My first pregnancy was 9 hours, but I was induced and had an epi. MomJunction believes in providing reliable, research-backed information to you. 6 medjool dates is like 400 calories Which seems pretty significant, but the other nutrition elements would be greater too, so Im wondering what kind to buy? My second delivery was 2 hours, 4 minutes from start to finish. This article sparked lots of debate and arguments with my wife. Read here more about Confinement Red Dates Tea. I have a scientific education, while my wife does not as she studied humanities all her life. How did your birth experience go? Chinese red date soak (liver detoxification) Dates soaked in water help to nourish the liver and detoxify the body. I have pitted deglet noor dates and 6 only equals 32 grams. Luckily we had a planned home birth but mid-wife didnt quite make it in time. I ate the recommended amount of dates the last month of my pregnancy and I think it definitely made the labor easier than it could have been. 7 Proven Health Benefits Of Coconut Oil During Pregnancy, 9 Proven Health Benefits Of Eating Cabbage During Pregnancy. Should I stop eating dates? I ate about 6-7 in the morning and another 6-7 dates in the evening. The hospital was across the street from the birth center. Copper, magnesium, selenium, manganese, and calcium. I did this during my pregnancy, and indeed it was easy and short labor. A 2017 study examining the effects of date consumption during late pregnancy found that it reduced the need to induce labor with hormones. Pls advice, I am 38weeks pregnant, baby weight is 3.62, can I still start eating date? Consuming a handful of dates every day will supply the required sugars, along with other nutrients . And because its a good source of natural fructose, dates may give you energy to fight pregnancy fatigue a win-win. Can i eat now? I ate 6 dates a day from 36 weeks and had a pretty easy birth, although eating them didnt stop me going over due unfortunately. I didnt eat dates for my first pregnancy and baby still had jaundice. Oh also I am 37 weeks and last week during my 36 week apt I was dilated at 1cm and i totally think dates helped!! I started last week at 36 weeks. Is it fine if I eat dates now? 5. During my second pregnancy I ate 6 dates a day, starting from week 36 and drank raspberry leaf tea. All fields are required *. (this detail of Marys life is specific to the Quran). And as a result, youre less likely to deal with pregnancy-related constipation. I have a box of rlt and would like to know when I should start the tea and dates. In the beginning was the Word (Yeshua) and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Benefits of Red dates: Coveted superfruit by the Chinese, boosting 70-80X more Vitamin C than grapes and apples, helps improve immunity and anaemia. Did the dates seem to help you through delivery? With #5 I calmed down a little on the dates and had him after a very peaceful 5 hour labor and 3 pushes. Apart from the said medical effects, red dates also can help improve skin become tender and smooth. I always joke that the only reason my labors were quick and easy was because of my date obsession. Went to hospital then. My second was 41 weeks and SIX days! My doctor commented on how soft my cervix was whenever he checked me those last few weeks. Yes, dates are safe and advantageous to the mom and baby. Im 28 weeks and had preterm labor start at 26+4 weeks. I ate dates the last 4 weeks and had about a 4 hour labor from first contraction to birth. Pregnancy & Birth. Where can I buy good organic dried dates? Eating dates in late pregnancy has also been shown to lessen the need for oxytocin, the medication used to start or speed up labor., Agricultural Marketing Resource Center: Dates., The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition: Sodium and potassium intakes among US adults: NHANES 2003-2008., American Journal of Preventive Medicine: Associations of Prenatal and Child Sugar Intake with Child Cognition., Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Folic Acid, The Role of Potassium and Sodium in Your Diet., Chicago Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics: Natures Candy., European Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology: Allergy to date fruits: characterization of antigens and allergens of fruits of the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.), Familydoctor.org: Healthy Eating and Pregnancy., Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health: The Effect of Late-Pregnancy Consumption of Date Fruit on Cervical Ripening in Nulliparous Women., Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology: Date fruit consumption at term: Effect on length of gestation, labour and delivery, The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery., Mayo Clinic: Iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy: Prevention tips, Low potassium (hypokalemia)., National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Antioxidants: In Depth., NFS Journal: Date fruit (Phoenix dactylifera L.): An underutilized food seeking industrial valorization., Oregon State University Linus Pauling Institute Micronutrient Information Center: Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load., Saudi Medical Journal: Glycemic index of 3 varieties of dates., University of California San Francisco Health: Eating Right Before and During Pregnancy., University of Chicago Medicine: Tips to manage common pregnancy symptoms by trimester., US Department of Agriculture FoodData Central: Dates, medjool., The Washington Post: The sweet truth about coconut and date sugar there are some benefits.. 1 min read. But the dates were a first for me and the main thing I did different. Ive heard from some people that its only the medjool dates. (Never made it past 4 with my previous 2, so that was awesome.) I love dates and i would totally eat more however they have a lot of sugar. Hope this helps! Thank you for the suggestion, I have both yogurt and walnuts and so want to try that as a snack! Thank you. Yes! Im not sure but it wont hurt to eat them anyway. I am SO sick of them to be honest almost cant even stand to look at them, but heres to hoping:), I ate dates all through out my 1st pregnancy, I had a slight obsession. Water broke right before babys head came out. Family Planning by. When I arrived to birth center after labor started, I was already 7 cm! It sure seemed like they were effective. Because of the rumors about dates making for easier labor more on that in a second some people may try them for the first time while pregnant. Good for when you want that to happen at full term but not good for being 30 weeks at risk of giving birth to a preemie! It definitely helped with dilating and thinning. Here are 13 foods you should eat when you're pregnant. I am 26 weeks pregnant now and I am pregnant with twins. Based on reading this article, I did eat 3-4 dates a day for the last few weeks of pregnancy. Rinse the longans and dates. Am I safe eating them in my first ttimester, I have a UTI ..36 week started..is it safe to eat dates. I wonder if it helps to start sooner? My baby was born in the posterior position, so pushing took about an hour, but the nurse and Doctor kept commenting on how soft my cervix was! Benefits Of Dates During Pregnancy. But, by all means, start eating six dates a day from 36 weeks on! A study of mothers and their children found that high-sugar diets during pregnancy can affect a childs brain function. I should say that the stress of work and possibly some dehydration played a role in the preterm labor scare but once it started it went so fast. Medjool dates can be up to 2 inches long. My Labor was 2.5 hours from first contraction to delivery. Benefits of eating dates during pregnancy, Precautions when eating dates during pregnancy, Eating other dried fruits during pregnancy, nutfruit.org/consumers/news/detail/five-benefits-of-eating-nuts-and-dried-fruits, ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3992385/, 11 Foods and Beverages to Avoid During Pregnancy - What Not to Eat. Do you think the reviewers of both articles were also biased in favour of dates? good luck! But dont worry, its a natural type of sugar. And if research conclusions are accurate, eating dates while pregnant just might improve your chances for a spontaneous, natural induction. One of the reasons red raspberry leaf is considered helpful is because it's rich in immune-boosting nutrients. (been drinking RLT since week 26 this is baby no.5). In fact it is quite easy to serve homemade red date tea. Red dates contain much iron that can help women get speedy recovery from delivery and menstruation. But this is not scientifically proven. Try mixing them into a banana bread or smoothies. Read for more information. Have been home on bed rest. Dates offers many nutritional benefits during pregnancy. Our writing . Ive been craving it lately and its delicious. Group B loves sugar. Knowing dates nutrition facts can help you understand the benefits of consuming it during pregnancy. My experiences with dates and labor: Eating dates certainly didnt make my babies large. The date palm tree is a native plant in the Middle East, so while dates arent a staple food in the United States, they are in that part of the world and have been for millennia. Smoked Salmon In Pregnancy: Is It Safe, Types And Risks. I recommend mamas to eat 7 and not 6 dates a day. Im nearly 38 weeks in my first pregnancy and just started eating dates. Cover and simmer for another 5 minutes.